One Day Free Dental and Eye Camp at Orphan & Helpless Children Development Society

Published on November 27, 2024

One Day Free Dental and Eye Camp at Orphan & Helpless Children Development Society

Date: 2024-01-02

Location: Budhanilkantha Municipality, Dadagaun, Kathmandu

Event Description

This initiative focused on the eye health of the orphans and helpless children of Orphan and Helpless Children Development Society, Dadagaun, Budanilkantha, Kathmandu. With joint effort of KDC Hospital, BM Foundation, TPB Foundation, and KDC Eye Care Center, Garima Bikas Bank the camp proved to be highly effective generating positive outcomes. So, the results were driven towards preventing blindness and creating longlasting impacts on eye health.

One day Non-surgical dental & eye screening camp at an orphanage of Budhanilkantha Municipality, Kathmandu helped in identifying various types of dental & eye conditions through early diagnosis and pevent them in early time. Educational programs helped in enhancing awareness and knowledge regarding eye health. The distribution of necessary medicines helped to treat certain eye conditions.